When it concerns 20th. century cycles, a lot of knowledge is still available. When it comes to 19th. century bikes, only a few collectors have knowledge about these bicycles. That's why I started this website, giving as much information as possible.
I love to ride my ordinaries now and then: the high bicycle makes me king of the road and it attracts a lot of attention! Apart from that I love the research and the technical side of restoration.
I do not have a shop, bicycles are not my job at all, but if you have interesting bicycles for sale in Europe, you are of course welcome to send me an e-mail. The bicycle might just fit in my collection! I speak Dutch, German, English and even a little French.
E-mail: info@bokslag.dds.nl
Here's a movie of our event with De Oude Fiets (Dutch veteran bicycle club), may 2011
And a picture of the wonderful penny farthing-meeting in Haastrecht, Netherlands, september 29, 2013Twenty bicycles of more than 130 years old!

IMPORTANT: It's now 2023: This website exists 13 years already! And I am still daily busy e-mailing with enthusiasts. Please keep sending me pictures of your bicycles (please only 19th Century) . Keep asking questions. But alas, the system I used to build this site is obsolete and not maintained any more. This means I cannot make new pages or publish new pictures.
I hope to find the time to make a complete new site one day.....